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PSA Module

A unique solution

In close cooperation with the AMC in Amsterdam, we have developed a methodology that allows us to determine which employees in the preliminary phase of a burnout sit. We're talking about high work pressure, stress, overstrain and burnout. The official name we use for this is psychosocial labour tax or PSA. With our PSA module we are able to get 80% of these employees back into balance.

How we work

To start with, our PSA module consists of an intelligent digital questionnaire. On average it takes between 6 to 16 minutes to fill in the form, depending on how someone is doing. After closing the questionnaire The participant will receive a digital report in which he/she can read how he/she is doing. If we find that someone is in the preliminary phase of a burnout one of our R&D psychologists will contact this employee. The causes of PSA are many and often a combination of private, work and social developments (think of COVID-19). The R&D psychologist enters into a dialogue with the employee to determine exactly what is going on and - more importantly - what needs to be done to get back into balance. Sometimes we refer them to an external party. After 3 months, we again measure how the employee is doing (optional) and then he or she appears to be functioning well again in almost all cases.


But we can go a step further. We get a lot of information about your organisation and the work processes. And especially what can be improved. We then establish a correlation with the PSA problems found and advise you in which areas you can improve your organisation. In this way, on the one hand, we can limit failures due to PSA and, on the other hand, you can tackle the causes structurally.